Custom Label Design, Product Packaging, & Custom Box Design: Tips From The Whiskey Industry

How Important is Packaging Design & Custom Box Design and Label Designs?

Developing custom packaging design for any product can be stressful, but for whiskey, it can be especially nerve-wracking simply because it’s your best chance to get new customers to consider your brand. For an alcoholic beverage, the majority of people make their choices not on research but on the label. This is why walking down an aisle in a liquor store can feel like browsing an exhibition on graphic design. Whiskey brands know the importance of the look of their packaging and they’ll do their best to stand out. 

However, before you pull your hair out trying to make the perfect design, take some inspiration from these other whiskey brands:

Take a look at Tyrconnell 10 year. 

This whiskey has a history that reaches back to 1762. And by looking at the label, you’d believe it. None of the fonts or images are something that a modern business would choose to use on their new branding. That's the point. If the whiskey packaging says the brand started over 250 years ago and it looks like they haven't changed much since then, a consumer may assume that the whiskey inside must be very good. For packaging spirits, it pays to play up how old a brand is. 

If you want to see good graphic design on an American Brand, look at Balcones Baby Blue Whiskey. This label plays up both the taste and the origin with total pride. As a Texas brand, they show the American pride and history of using Blue Corn. Corn whiskey is less popular than other, more traditional mashes so playing up the American-ness of blue corn in a classy way is a good way to establish the brand among consumers unfamiliar with it. 

The last label is extremely simple and speaks to a different experience of good whiskey. Suntory Whiskey Toki has notes of honey and vanilla, and even the color is delicate. The packaging reflects this in minimal colors and simple fonts. The label also covers only a minimal amount of the product to show off the color. Considering how bold other whiskey labels can look at this packaging is effective in making itself stand out by keeping everything simple

Options to consider when creating custom packaging design for your products:

  • Custom Label Design
  • Sticker Design and Printing
  • Food Pouch Design
  • Custom Retail Box Design and Printing
  • Product Packaging Tags and Inserts

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