
Showing posts from 2020

Graphic Design & Branding Tips for Online Businesses

Graphic Design & Branding Is More Important To Your Online Business Than You Think We are living in a time when anyone can create an online business from scratch. But as easy as it is to start an online business it’s much harder to make it profitable. It’s even harder to make it last. Branding and Graphic Design is one of the greatest tools an online business can have. Strong branding can build an audience, faithful customers, and consistent sales. To compete with brick and mortar stores your online business needs a strong brand. Here are a few tips to understand how you should brand a new online business. Brand All of Your Visuals with Stunning Graphic Design Brick and mortar stores already have the advantage of associating their products with an existing location, they have storefronts that say exactly what they are and what they sell. As an online business you need to create your own “storefront” by creating your visual brand and using it on everything. Creating a consistent an

Custom Label Design, Product Packaging, & Custom Box Design: Tips From The Whiskey Industry

How Important is Packaging Design & Custom Box Design and Label Designs? Developing custom packaging design for any product can be stressful, but for whiskey, it can be especially nerve-wracking simply because it’s your best chance to get new customers to consider your brand. For an alcoholic beverage, the majority of people make their choices not on research but on the label. This is why walking down an aisle in a liquor store can feel like browsing an exhibition on graphic design. Whiskey brands know the importance of the look of their packaging and they’ll do their best to stand out.  However, before you pull your hair out trying to make the perfect design, take some inspiration from these other whiskey brands: Take a look at Tyrconnell 10 year.  This whiskey has a history that reaches back to 1762. And by looking at the label, you’d believe it. None of the fonts or images are something that a modern business would choose to use on their new branding. That's

Denver Graphic Designer for Logo Design & Branding

View Denver, Colorado Graphic Design Artist Recent Work BRANDING IS WHAT WE DO is a Denver based graphic design agency located in downtown Denver and serves businesses of all sizes in the state of Colorado.  The local graphic design agency focuses only on the visual aspects of your business branding needs and does not offer other marketing focus.  They specialize in Logo Design, product packaging and retail box design, general print design for all marketing collateral such as custom printed folders, business cards, brochures, flyers, postcards, and much more. The downtown Denver office is open to for appointments to new clients at 1200 17th St. Floor 10, Denver, Colorado 80202 on the 10th floor of the Tabor Center .